SideQuesting: Omegle

SideQuesting: Omegle


By now many of you have probably heard of, the 1-on-1 chat site that is based on quick, fun, anonymous conversations.  Bite-sized conversations, we can say.  The idea, an homage to the IRC and AOL chats of yore, allows only two complete strangers to connect via a very basic chat service.  The service offers only a space to read and type; no smilies, no icons, no colored fonts.

Perhaps it is this simplicity, then,  that keeps me coming back for more.  Like a quick fix, an Omegle chat can take place as you are drinking the morning orange juice, waiting for a commercial to finish during LOST, or when you are completely, utterly bored and have massaged the remainder of your typical email-Facebook-Twitter agenda.

You see, Omegle is addicting.  It is a game.  You cannot fail.  You can only disconnect or be disconnected on, without ever knowing the person on the other end… without ever caring about who you might offend (or perhaps get to know).  You cannot get upset, as you know that you will never speak to the person again.  You cannot fail.

Although Omegle has only been available for a few weeks now (an 18-yr old student founded it in March of this year) it has already spawned several games that can be played within it.  The games revolve not around what the user does, but what their chat partner experiences.  This is a site where your goal is to entertain your partner as much as possible.  Think: the ultimate CO-OP experience.  In this article, I’ll explain a few of my favorites.


First things first:  Omegle is so easy to use that it is impossible to flub.  Anyone of any age can figure out what to do.  The design of the site is perhaps better than anything Apple’s UI geniuses could create.  Elegant, simple, stupidly simple.

Game #1: Omegle Can Be Anyone

One of the first things users in chat rooms tend to do is to lie about who they are.  With Omegle, there are no screen names to expose someone (and no cameras too, thankfully).  There is no way to determine if someone is telling the truth or not.  Therefore, the temptation to become someone else can be quite overwhelming.  The users can begin by typing in an accent, utilizing words and phrases from 1800’s England.  Or by acting like a pirate, “yarring” their way through a conversation.  Talking about a recent adventure on the moon, or how they are CEOs for failing Wall Street trading companies, can be a terrific indulgence.  The longer the chat partner stays on while the user is in character, the better.

Connecting to server…
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: Yarrrrr!
You: ‘Ello matey!
Stranger: hahaha
You: Might ye be a wench or a chap??
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Game #2: Omegle Trivia

An easy game to play on Omegle, if the users have the correct answers to back it up, is to host trivia sessions with the chat partner based on pop culture topics.  The most popular as of late have been relating to Eighties television shows, such as Full House or Transformers.  Try to see how many questions the partner can answer, without making them overly easy. A partner that answers more gives you undeniable bragging rights.

Connecting to server…
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: Hello
Stranger: what is your name
You: What was the name of the father on Full House?
Stranger: danny?
You: What were his 3 daughters’ names?
Stranger: uh i dont know
You: You lose Full House Trivia.
You have disconnected.

Game #3: Culting

Culting isn’t a new invention.  The art form has been found in media and social interaction since the beginning of time.  Culting is, for all intents and purposes, the ability to get a chat partner to do something specific, such as to visit a website or join a community.  The name comes from the comment that is often made to those who engage in the act: “Is that some kind of cult or something?”  Popularized on Omegle by the Joystiq Podcast Appreciation Group on Facebook, it is now used by anyone looking for instant web traffic.  Culting is simple spam advertising that can be fun, if played right.  The trick to culting is to engage in interesting conversation with a chat partner, leading them throught to the point where you drop the bomb about them joining the community.

From Yaniv (Actual Omegle Conversation):

You: may I please inquire, do you ever dabble in the likes of, video games?
Stranger: i am not much of a gamer, no.
Stranger: so sorry.
You: Are you opposed to the activity?
Stranger: no, certainly not.
You: How about Podcasts?
You: You of course, know what a Podcast is, correct?
Stranger: yes, i listen to a few.
Stranger: mainly npr.
You: How about Humor, are you a fan of humor?
Stranger: why yes, i do enjoy humor. laughing is one of my favorite activities.
You: Well then, may I make another suggestion?
Stranger: surely.
You: this one, I assure you, will not be as outlandish as the last
You: Please visit the JPAG on facebook
Stranger: okay, do tell.
You: if you require a direct link, and are opposed to going and finding it your self, one such link may be procured here
Stranger: thanks, as there are several groups with the anagram jpag
You: why yes, the Podcast Appreciation Group has quite a few offshoots
You: take for example, the JPAGP
You: and podcast based entirely off of a facebook group, based on a podcast, based on a site
You: and then the JPAGPAG
Stranger: wow, that could get confusing very fast.
You: an appreciation group of the afore mentioned JPAGP
You: there is in fact, I belive a JPAGPAGP
You: May I pry a little further?
Stranger: certainly.
You: are you currently on the website
You: the JPAG that is
Stranger: why, yes, yes i am.
Stranger: that is to say, i have it open in another tab
You: What is your oppinion of the ‘Amalgamation of Nerdom’ that is present there?
You: are you quite at home? or is it a foriegn land
You: a land of vast, sprawling forests
Stranger: oh, i am quite at home among nerds. i consider myself a huge nerd.
You: and a native language of jargon which includes the likes of “There’s my steed” or “Fire Justin McElroy”

Just be weary of the reverse culting, as they can occur as well.

Connecting to server…
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Game #4: The Quick Burger

This is the simplest, and possibly the most fun of the games.  The “quick burger”, named because of how fast and delightful the event is, involves the user trying to make the chat partner eject from the chat as early as possible.  Common ways to do this are to say specific phrases that can turn a chat sour or somber almost instantly.  The “Let’s talk a little about Jesus” or “I have to start by telling you that I am a registered offender” are opening lines in the conversation that are sure to confuse and frighten your chat partner.

Connecting to server…
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello!
Stranger: hi
You: Let’s talk a little about Jesus and what he can do for you.
Stranger: what

Game #5: Matrixing

Ah, the big one.  This game takes a true Grand Pubah to complete.  The goal is to draw the chat partner into some incredible story or task, keeping them online for as long as possible while the users maintain some unbelievable Matrix-like story.  The users announce to the chat partners almost immediately that they are now a part of a game or experiement, or some alternate reality, and that their cooperation is of utmost importance.  These lead to series of questions or miniscule tasks (both online and offline) meant to confuse the chat partner into believing that they are in some sort of alternate reality.  The game is meant to become more and more outrageous as the conversation continues, yet nested in enough reality to be believed.  These are trophies, meant to be printed and place in your Trapper Keeper for later display.

Connecting to server…
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: Hello!
Stranger: how are u?
You: You are part of a social experiment on Omegle
You: Let’s begin
Stranger: ok
You: What do you watch on TV
Stranger: is this real?
You: Yes
Stranger: ok
Stranger: Grey’s anatomy
Stranger: movies
Stranger: HBO
You: Do you think McDreamy is hot?
Stranger: things like that
Stranger: well he is fine
You: Okay, next question:
Stranger: what is your name?
Stranger: go on
You: My name is Mr Mister
Stranger: hahah
Stranger: ok
You: Question #2:
You: What is your favorite song right now
Stranger: sure this is a real experiment
You: Yes it is.
Stranger: right now…
You: Right now.
Stranger: Well i just got
Stranger: Simply Red
Stranger: 25
You: Great. What is yoru favorite Simple Red song?
You: *Your
Stranger: let me think
Stranger: hum
You: Tim is ticking
You: *Time
Stranger: a new flame
You: (Sorry for the typos)
Stranger: ok
Stranger: you are funny
You: Great. A New Flame It Is.
You: Question #3:
Stranger: come on you are not from m omegle
Stranger: be serious…
You: Do you prefer Pizza or Spaghetti?
You: I am from Omegle.
Stranger: pizza
Stranger: ok
You: My name is actually Mr Omegle. It’s where the name for the site came from.
Stranger: is this only for americans?
Stranger: ok
You: No it is for everyone.
Stranger: hahah
You: Pizza, good.
Stranger: i am having fun
You: Question #4:
You: When was the last time you looked at a clock?
Stranger: don’t you wanna know where i am from?
Stranger: hum… yesterday
You: I know where you’re from, I can see your IP address.
You: Yesterday what time?
Stranger: where am i from?
Stranger: hum… 11 am
You: You are from
You: Question #5:
Stranger: no way, come on the country
You: If you could be any bird, what would you be?
Stranger: um hold on let me remember the name of it
Stranger: hold
You: Hurry, Time is Ticking.
Stranger: wait
You: Your chance at winning a lifetime membership to Omegle is at stake.
Stranger: swiming bird,
Stranger: that litle one
Stranger: really fast
Stranger: that flies
Stranger: how do you call it?
You: Oh yeah, I know that one. Not.
Stranger: he kisses flowers
Stranger: help me
You: Hummingbird.
Stranger: what is his name?
You: Great.
Stranger: how do you call it?
You: Hummingbird.
Stranger: ?
Stranger: yes
You: Great.
Stranger: THANKS
You: Question #6:
Stranger: why did you say no?
You: (3 questions left)
Stranger: not this one
Stranger: is there a right answer?
You: What color are your socks?
Stranger: white
You: Great.
You: Question #7: (two more questions left)
Stranger: what are this questions based on?
Stranger: your time is running
Stranger: hahaha
You: If you wore a red hat, would you wash your hair before you put it on?
You: These are highly scientific. They will help make Omegle better.
Stranger: what??????
You: Do you wash your hair before you put a hat on?
Stranger: weird
Stranger: no after
You: Great.
You: Final Question:
Stranger: i am affraid
Stranger: of this one
Stranger: are
Stranger: you going to disconnect?
Stranger: after i answer it?
You: If McDreamy flew in on a hummingbird wearing a red hat, would you ask him for pizza or for orange juice?
You: No I will not, I promise.
Stranger: orange juice
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: ?
You: You have completed the first level of the Omegle challenge!
Stranger: ok
Stranger: should i be happy?
You: yes!
You: You should be very proud.
Stranger: come on you are not from Omegle…
Stranger: why?
You: Most Omegle users do not pass.
Stranger: why not?
Stranger: what made me a winner?
You: I do not know, they just don’t.
Stranger: of the first step?
You: You ahve always been a winner in my eyes, and you always will be.
Stranger: what?
Stranger: come on
Stranger: who are u?
You: Thank you for your time.
Stranger: no
Stranger: do not go
You: I will now send you your prize.
Stranger: stay with me
Stranger: no?
Stranger: how come?
Stranger: you do not have my adree
Stranger: address
You: To recieve your prize, put your face close to the screen.
Stranger: no way yiu are a hacker!!!!!!!!
You: Then, we will scan your face and send you a t-shirt
Stranger: no
You: With your picture on it.
Stranger: you are a haccker
Stranger: send where?
You: I am not a hacker. I promise.
You: We will send the shirt to your house.
Stranger: what
Stranger: this is scary
You: It seems like you don’t believe that you just won.
Stranger: i wont give you my address
You: Do you believe?
Stranger: no
Stranger: prove to me
Stranger: no i don’t
You: We don’t need your address, the internet can find you.
Stranger: that’s scary
Stranger: come on
You: I’ll prove I know who you are.
Stranger: where am i from?
Stranger: go on
You: Answer this question:
Stranger: i am waiting
Stranger: another?
You: What is your favorite color?
Stranger: hum…
Stranger: blue
You: I knew it! That’s what I was going to say!
You: See, I know you.
Stranger: no way
Stranger: you are playing with me
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: you are funny
Stranger: how old are u?
You: Here is a way to find out if I am telling the truth:
You: When you see the orange rabbit, follow it.
You: It will show you I am not lying.
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: but
You: Until then, press your face on your computer screen.
Stranger: no one is at the door
Stranger: no
Stranger: i know that one
Stranger: if i do so
You: We will scan it and send you a t-shirt.
Stranger: some sound will come up
You: No, no sounds will come up. I promise.
Stranger: ok
Stranger: suuure
You: Just do it.
You: I’m counting down….
Stranger: how old are u?
You: 10
You: 9
You: 8
You: 7
You: 6
Stranger: ok
Stranger: go on
You: (you’re going to miss out! do it quick!)
You: 5
You: 4
You: 3
You: 2
You: 1
Stranger: ok
You: You missed out.
Stranger: how come?
Stranger: i did not
You: I couldn’t scan your face
You: Nothing was showing up.
Stranger: why not?
You: Did you put your face on the screen?
Stranger: are u really serios?
Stranger: yes
You: Hmmm… Did you wash your face today already?
Stranger: hahah
Stranger: sure i did
Stranger: come on what is your name
You: Mauybe there is too much soap still on your face.
You: Or not enough.
Stranger: no
Stranger: come on
Stranger: you are the only
You: My name is Mr John Omegle.
Stranger: person i could chat all night
Stranger: only weird people around
You: My freinds call me Thundercat.
Stranger: is that a nick name?
You: Are you saying I am weird?
Stranger: of course
Stranger: no
Stranger: i am saying you are cool
You: Well then, no shirt for you if you say that I am weird
You: Oh, I am cool
You: Thank you.
Stranger: yes
You: I think you are cool too.
Stranger: are u a haccker?
Stranger: why is that?
You: Well, level 1 of the Omegle challenge has been completed.
You: I will not disconnect for a second. Please reconnect with me.
Stranger: i do not want to have to see you go away
You: You will be speaking to me again.
Stranger: how come?
You: Don’t worry, you will be speaking with me again.
Stranger: how?
You: We have to load the software for Level 2.
Stranger: how will you find me?
You: We have your computer’s identification. We can connect with you again.
Stranger: i cannot belive
You: Just click on reconnect when I disconnect.
Stranger: you are kidding me
Stranger: i ll miss you
You: And then when you reconnect, say these words right away:
Stranger: ??
You: “Hello, My name is Alvin. I found the Orange Rabbit”
You: You will be automatically logged back in to us on Level 2.
Stranger: ok John
Stranger: but
Stranger: it will be you?
You: Good bye from John and Level 1.
You: Yes.
Stranger: ok
Stranger: bye
You: Goodbye.
You have disconnected.
There you have it: Five ways to utilize Omegle as a magical griefing system.  What methods do you use on Omegle?  Do you play other games on it?  Let us know, and we can revisit the topic in the future with a follow-up.