This is the Only Level


There are certain types of Flash-based games that are actually fun.  No, punching a monkey is not one of those.  We’re talking games like Burn the Rope and Desktop Tower Defense.  Oftentimes they are very much art house style experiences, focusing on the weird, absurd, and unique.

Such is the case with This is the Only Level by Armor Games, in which there is one level for the player to enjoy.   “One level, you say???  How boring!”  Not so, dear friend.  While there is “only one level” the game modifies the level each time it is cleared, providing a new-ish experience.  Level one: get the elephant to the Marioesque pipe.  Level 2: the elephant now moves in reverse.  Level 3: open the gate first… and so on.  Each time the layout is the same but with one modification to warrant another try.  Wrap all of that in 4-bit graphics and I call “win”.

And, it has a blue elephant as the main character.

This is the Only Level by Armor Games.