Company Debuts Wii Remote w/ Built-in MotionPlus


One thing Wii gamers have been asking for is a Wii Remote with built-in MotionPlus.  Kinda obvious, eh?  Well, Nintendo hasn’t disclosed any possibility of that becoming a reality this generation, so leave it up to the peripheral manufacturers to take up the reins.

Sunflex’s Snakebyte XL+ series of Wii peripherals simplifies our heartache for now.  The company is debuting their line of MotionPlus-enhanced Wiimotes and accessories.  The Remote XL+ is a Wii Remote with built-in WiiMotion Plus, the Motion XL+ is a wireless nunchuck that comes with a MotionPlus add-on (for those that already have enough WiiMotes), and the Flux Duo (non-Capacitor, sorry) inductive charging system.  Due out in January 2010 in Europe and weighing in at 29.99€, the Remote XL+ has not been dated for the US (yet).