SideQuesting’s Best of 2010 #5: Assassins Creed: Brotherhood

SideQuesting’s Best of 2010 #5: Assassins Creed: Brotherhood

Turning around and releasing a sequel to a game like Assassins Creed 2 a mere year later, is nearly unheard of. Not because we don’t want it, but because games like these are often rushed and not nearly as good as we expect. Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood is the exception to that rule. No one knew what to expect, but when it finally dropped, we were pleasantly surprised.

What complaints a person could even try to level on the single player, the multiplayer quickly flattens. I’ll admit that I was skeptical about it, but it works. The game does a great job of rewarding those who play the game as it was meant to be played. With a fully realized single player story and a multiplayer that is different from the standard “shoot everyone”  affair, BroHood is a must play and fits will within our Top Ten at #5.