The Evening Report: There’s a Storm Brewing

Neither hail nor rain nor wind nor tornadic activity could prevent us from providing a swift, albeit a little water-logged collection of the latest and greatest gaming news of the day. So hunker down, find the central most part of your dwelling, without windows, and get ready for today’s whirlwind of video gaming news.

I’ll start this daily roundup the same way my day started, with dark clouds on the horizon. As the Great Outage of 2011 aka the Sony PlayStation Network saga approaches it’s week-long milestone, the public is still left with little word on an ETA for restoring the service, what exactly happened and what data was compromised. The words of Satoshi Fukuoka, a spokesman for Sony Computer Entertainment in Tokyo, does little to quell these fears.  “[The company] has not yet determined if the personal information or credit card numbers of users have been compromised, but that Sony would promptly inform users if it found that was the case.” No matter the outcome of this event, the brand will most likely be forever marred.


Much like most self-respecting gray clouds, a bit of rain was up next. The wet wake-up call was provided by a rumored GameStop memo. According to the memo, once current supplies of Nintendo’s DS Lites were exhausted, employees were to remove all in-store displays and discard because, “new DS Lite systems have been discontinued and stores will no longer be replenished on this product.” While by all accounts the DS Lite has had a good run in the handheld console market, Nintendo still will not confirm its demise. “Nintendo DS Lite is still available at most retail locations,” said Nintendo of America senior director of corporate communications Charlie Scibetta. “Consumers will be able to find Nintendo DS Lite without much trouble.” Even a retail and NPD juggernaut has to fade-off into the sunset at some point.


As the storm passes and the sky begins to clear, the first juicy bit of E3 console news was announced. “We will show a playable model of the new system and announce more specifications at the E3 Expo, which will be held June 7-9, 2011, in Los Angeles,” according to the press release from Nintendo. The successor to the Wii, which has sold more than 86 million units, is slated to launch in 2012. Little details are available on console specifics right now, but Joystiq pointed to a Reuters’ article were Nintendo president Satoru Iwata said, “We would like to propose a new approach to home video game consoles.” He continued, “It’s difficult to make 3-D images a key feature, because 3-D televisions haven’t obtained wide acceptance yet.”
