The Evening Report: Not Another Wednesday Edition

It may not rain on the internet, but it is certainly raining in Western New York. Sure it may not make searching for the day’s biggest stories very difficult, but it does make going outdoors extremely unpleasant. Who am I kidding? Who wants to go outdoors? Not this guy. So, in my closed environment, it was pretty easy to check the sites for the news and not get overwhelmed.

Today’s biggest stories include iOS Final Fantasy, Netflix being a big deal and how to spin a story Activision style. Check after the jump for the info!

Angry Birds is the new Angry Birds

Here I am with your latest Angry Birds milestone: 200 million downloads. Yea, seriously. Several platforms, plush toys, board games; I think Rovio has officially created a dynasty. At this point, I would put them up against the Patriots and expect them to win.

Source: Gamasutra

More iFinal Fantasy

Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions has been under the radar since announced that it was going to be ported to iOS devices last year at E3. While no exact date has been set in stone, Square Enix has pegged June or July of 2011 for the iPhone version, and the iPad version should be just behind it. As Adam Biessener mentioned in his post on Game Informer, I am just waiting for an Android port. Being one of the only SideQuesters with an Android phone can be frustrating when it comes to gaming, but one of the best FF Tactics games would go far to remedy that.

Source: Game Informer

Netflix Runs the Internet

I could write this story as, “Hey guys, Netflix is a big deal” and just leave it at that, but I am pretty sure I would get slapped (deservingly so) by Dali and everyone. So I will expand: “Yo, have you guys seen Netflix recently? That shit is off the chain right now.”

Like, really. Nearly 30% of all bandwidth use in North America comes from the Netflix Instant Watcher application. 66% of that content is viewed through video game consoles tallying a whopping 2.5gb per day. Just so you know, bandwidth caps will be coming to the United States. This is the reason why.

Source: Shack News

Activision Weathers the Modern Warfare 3 Leaks

Bitch all you want about big bad Activision and the scorched earth policy they may have when it comes to releasing games, but they know how to market a game as well as, or better than any other company in the video game business. Last Friday Infinity Ward and Activision had a crisis on their hands when Kotaku posted some a large amount of information regarding Modern Warfare 3.

Soon after, Robert Bowling of Infinity Ward used his community muscle to drop bombs on Twitter to publicize the videos they decided needed to have the public’s attention. Instead of skirting around the issue and pretending nothing was going on (*ahem*, Sony), the companies decided it was time to change their marketing plan on the fly and make the leak and the hype part of the whole shebang.

Chris Grant (with the aid of James Ransom-Wiley) of Joystiq wrote up his recent conversation with Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg, and it really is an interesting read. Especially if you have an interest in business or the cogs behind video game brand management. Click through for the full story and you will not be disappointed.

Source: Joystiq