The Morning Roast: PSN is Back-ish, Beyond Good & Evil 2 Lives-ish

I know what you’re thinking: I GOTTA get me some coffee.  Well, we have you covered with some fine reading to accompany.  It was a light weekend, dominated by one major story.

That essentially equates to the need for something bold and dark.  Our choice: Starbuck’s Pike Place Roast

This weekend’s news included PSN’s comeback, Sony mobile gaming not going as planned, and BG&E2 not yet canned!

Playstation Network Back Online, Mostly

By the time you read this, you should already have the ability to download Sony’s firmware update for the Playstation 3, which initiates the Great Password Reset of 2011.  Sony’s Kaz Hirai noted in a video to PS3 and Qriocity (shudder!) users that the network access will begin rolling out in phases around the world.  Initially, online play was the first thing available, and VERY SHORTLY we should have access to the PSN store, if we don’t already.  Best hop online and a see if your region is up and running.

Source: Gamasutra

Beyond Good and Evil 2 is Alive!

In other “Don’t Call it a Comeback” news, it appears as though Beyond Good and Evil 2 is still in production, as is I Am Alive. Eurogamer reports that after Ubisoft announced a list of games that were cancelled, there were a few items that DIDN’T appear on the sheet, namely BG&E2 and Alive. They reached out for comment to the publisher, who replied back that the two were, indeed, still being worked on.  It looks like the sales of BG&E HD helped, no?

Source: Eurogamer

Xperia Play PSOne Classics Not Selling Very Well

Joystiq is reporting on the sales of the PSOne Classics on the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play, or the “Playstation Phone” as many have dubbed it.  According to the report, there have been less than 1000 downloads of the games, which doesn’t bode well for the Playstation Suite.  Granted, it hasn’t been released in the US yet, but Sony is already planning something “huge” for E3 in relation.  Let’s hope it doesn’t involved credit cards.

Source: Joystiq