E311 Hands-on: Kirby (Wii)

Who would have expected Kirby to get another game for the Wii so soon? While Kirby Wii (working title) looks to be a solid Kirby game indeed, does it also capture the charm of his previous Wii title?

From my brief playthrough, I can’t imagine so. This looks to be New Super Mario Wii, but with Kirby and his friends swapped in place of Mario. You even can carry the other players, for instance, and in some cases hurt them as well. The perspective is zoomed in, with large-sized sprites on screen, similar to Kirby 64, and has a Super Smash Bros. feature that allows the screen to zoom in and out when multiple players are on the screen at once.  I was King DeDeDe while playing the demo, but quickly found was that it definitely seemed more fun to play as Kirby.

The controls are as you would expect for the game: the Wii Controller is held sideways, with “attack” and “jump” mapped to the 1 & 2 buttons. Double tapping begins a run, then jumping and tapping up makes the characters float. Kirby is able to steal powers, which seems to be the equivalent of a “Win” button with over the top, screen clearing moves. There is some waggle thrown in as well, such as shaking the controller to escape getting sucked in by a giant tree boss. All and all this plays like one would expect. While the multiplayer component in NSMB:Wii and Kirby’s Epic Yarn added a lot to the games, it seems like with Kirby Wii it may actually be more fun alone, especially when it seems that Kirby himself gets all the fun stuff.