TVQuesting: Gotta Watch ‘Em All

TVQuesting: Gotta Watch ‘Em All

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These days you can be a geek about pretty much anything. Any kind of media has the possibility of becoming host to a culture of nerds, but television seems uniquely qualified. Every year has new television shows which incorporate elements of science fiction and fantasy; shows which often become accepted by the mainstream audiences. So we here at SideQuesting are going to be keeping an eye on some of these shows because, hey, we’re nerds who love television as much as the next guy.

I, specifically, watch a lot of television. I cannot function if I’m not multi-tasking – it’s a simple fact of life for me. If I’m reading a book I’m also listening to something. If I’m playing a game I am probably listening to a podcast. If I’m writing I am pretty much guaranteed to be watching television. Have a peek into my weekly watching habits, as well as how you — the reader — can get involved.

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