Hello, it’s time to refocus a little

Hello, it’s time to refocus a little

Focus lens

No, nobody from SideQuesting is going to Vox Games (that I know of).

At the same time, a new year brings with it a lot of new hope and optimism just the same. At SideQuesting it’s no different. When we first created the site nearly 3 years ago its name reflected writing about games as a sometime-hobby. We wanted an outlet to write, rant, and rave about the games we loved. Since that time the site grew a lot larger than we ever anticipated. We’ve had some incredible articles and features, huge days of eyeballs, and epic events. Many of our writers have gone on to “real” paying writing gigs. And, we’ve made some incredible connections within the industry. It’s been, quite frankly, awesome.

We’ve naturally evolved beyond the original focus of the site. Now, we’d like to get a little of that back.

What does that mean? Well, not much if you like the content that we already deliver. The same features will continue, the same great content, the same people. On a regular basis people ask me about how to break into the industry, and while I haven’t fully broken in myself I can definitely point them in the right direction. What we’re aiming to do now is bring some of that original freedom and passion to new, hungry writers.

Going forward we’re going to be featuring a lot of writers on the site. You may have already recently seen great posts by Jonah Gregory and Mike Suszek, or you might have enjoyed our themed weeks (8-bit Week, JPAG Week, etc) that allowed more voices to be heard. We’re going to be building up SideQuesting to allow for writers to have a chance, to improve, and to get their names out there.  With help from our staff and community, we’ll be editing their work, giving advice, and sharing ideas back and forth. We have a bunch of different ways this is going to be happening, and many will be unveiled over the coming days (after our 2011 GOTY proceedings) so stick around.

We love to play and write about games, and we hope you do too.
