TVQuesting: February Followings

TVQuesting: February Followings

TV Questing

Over the months I’ve been exposed to bits and pieces of the television show Archer, but what little I had seen didn’t seem appealing. When it comes to comedy of any kind I tend to have very specific tastes, and often don’t wind up liking what everybody else seems to like. This past week was one of those weeks where I found myself with a bit of spare television time; I had just finished watching Downton Abbey for a second time and had the option to either start watching The Walking Dead despite my ever-present zombie fatigue, or find something else to watch.

So I decided to give Archer a shot, and in what seems to be a recurring theme recently it took a few episodes to get attached to and, having caught up to the currently airing episodes I’m not entirely sure I’m as attached as other people. There are some moments where I’ve genuinely laughed out loud, like the very end of the fourth episode in the third season where Archer is having a genuine conversation with an ocelot, but a lot of the moments just sort of fall flat. Archer as a character is funny, but most of the other characters grate on my nerves far too much.

Nonetheless, any show that can make me laugh at all is worth keeping up with, and so now I can tentatively claim to be a fan.

If you like reality television, or are a fan of the Kevin Smith entourage the new miniseries Comic Book Men is worth a look. The first episode is like a magic blend of reality television and View Askew podcast; it cuts between the stereotypical reality shots made popular by shows like Pawn Stars but dealing with serious nerd memorabilia, and the View Askew crew sitting around a podcast table discussing the situations in greater, behind the scenes detail. On top of that it cuts to a third segment of the guys from the store selling stuff and messing with each other at a flea market.

The particular way it is shot makes for a reality television show that covers an inherently interesting subject matter as well as conveying a surprisingly snappy pace.

I mentioned it up above, but it bears worth mentioning again. The Walking Dead has returned to the airwaves, and is apparently better than ever. I can’t really talk specifics, because I am still really, really sick of zombies. Having said that, I am planning to try and sit through the back catalogue over the next week or two because there isn’t a whole lot else on that’s interesting until April. When Game of Thrones comes back. Because that ish is gonna be insaaaaane.

Aside from the new stuff on the air and back on the air, the usual suspects are still out there. Hawaii Five-0 is still awesome, Alcatraz still exists, and Once Upon a Time is still surprisingly good. 30 Rock came back a little while ago and still seems to be funny enough. I can’t tell if Person of Interest is getting better or if I’m just getting used to the characters.

We’re sort of in a slump right now. There are a few shows starting to premiere, and a few more on the horizon. Other than those it’s more of the same. So let’s talk about expectations. What’s everybody anticipating in the coming weeks and months?