Wii U promotional materials arrive at retailers, preorders to follow?

Wii U promotional materials arrive at retailers, preorders to follow?

Wii U Marketing Materials
Photo of a Gamestop Wii U Marketing pack

Thanks to the coming school year and Fall, the build up of marketing begins for the Holiday season. Not to be left out, Nintendo is sending out Wii U marketing materials to retailers this week, both in-store and online. We’ve verified with a few local GameStops and Walmarts that they are receiving some manner of marketing packages from the Big N.

No price or date has been announced, but we should probably expect one shortly. Nintendo hasn’t had a Nintendo Direct in about a week, which might be a recent record for them.

Anyone know of any gaming conferences coming up where press releases are dropped?

One more below, of games!

[Thanks to Mr Anonymous source for the photos!]

[EDITOR’S NOTE: These photos were sent to SQ by the individual who took them, via Twitter.]

Wii U Games marketing materials
Wii U games marketing materials