SideQuesting’s Best of 2012 #8: Far Cry 3

SideQuesting’s Best of 2012 #8: Far Cry 3

SideQuesting's Best of 2012 #8: Far Cry 3

Far Cry 3 just scratches that itch. That’s the best way I can really think to describe it. Stripping away some of the things that bothered me about Far Cry 2 (mainly the malaria, and regenerating enemies) the third game adds in some great features and brings back more of what made the original so much fun. What Far Cry 3 allows, in terms of being the player, is freedom. Once you get past the required “tutorial” missions you are free to approach the island — and its myriad of things to do — how ever you please. Before I purchased the game I watched the intro video online, just to see if it might be something I was interested in. After seeing a bunch of douche bags bar-hopping, dancing, getting into fights, and skydiving, all set to M.I.A.’s “Paper Planes”, I was hooked. What I already knew about the game (open world, FPS, etc.) coupled with that quick two minute intro, said everything that I needed to hear. I was ready to go.

Sitting down and playing Far Cry 3 is effortless. If not currently in a mission, the player has any number of things they can do to occupy loads of time. From hunting and races, to treasure hunting and liberating strongholds. What I think I like most about it is the meta game of cat and mouse found in the combat. As an example: while taking over a base I decided to approach through a form of misdirection. I strapped a block of C4 to a car and pushed it down a hill. Before detonating it, I moved around to the opposite side of the base. Blowing the C4 created a diversion that allowed me to tag/mark every enemy inside. I then ran to a covering and threw a grenade to the opposite side of the C4. Through a series of back and forth explosions, I managed to pick off the stragglers until there was one lonesome guard left running around screaming.

Sure there is a pretty linear story, and sure the ending isn’t the greatest, but what first person shooter do you play for the story hooks (besides Spec Ops)? Combine a pretty well fleshed out villain with freedom to explore a huge island while messing with the enemies and it was easy for me to add Far Cry 3 to my top ten list, and ours at SideQuesting, this year.