Report: First Thief 4 Screenshots Leaked [UPDATE: It’s just called Thief, and it’s a reboot]

Report: First Thief 4 Screenshots Leaked [UPDATE: It’s just called Thief, and it’s a reboot]

theif 4 screenshot one

A sharp-eyed Neogaf user spotted screenshots of what appears to be Thief 4 (or Thi4f if you hate yourself) on several Russian websites.

The game has been in development at Eidos Montreal for some time now. These are the first images of the game we’ve seen beyond 2009’s logo reveal.

A Google translation of the Russian page reveals that the game is dropping the numbered title, possibly in favor of just Thief. It also states that the game is set for a 2014 release on PC and next-generation consoles.

UPDATE: Turns out it really is just called Thief. The latest Game Informer cover reveal confirms the game’s new name and its nature as a reboot, rather than a sequel.

[Source: VK, via: Neogaf]