Support Our Staff Through CentUp, and Help a Charity, Too!

Support Our Staff Through CentUp, and Help a Charity, Too!


It’s no surprise that Team SideQuesting doesn’t get a lot of funding. Sure, we have a few ads up on the site, and we’ll offer up some deals we come across once in a while, but they’re barely enough to even cover just a few months of our hosting for the year. Our staff puts in hours each day to come of up compelling content, podcasts, videos, reviews, and feature pieces, and rarely sees much in the way of funding for it. Granted, we work hard to get our names out there, and several members of our staff have gone on to successful writing careers around the industry.

But every little bit helps, especially to a team made up of students and hobbyists who can rarely afford free time let alone time to journalize.

So, we’re happy to announce that we’re now an approved publisher for CentUp, allowing us to accept donations for our work as well as help charities along the way. How does CentUp work? Well, you probably heard us rave about them in the past, but here’s the short and sweet of it: CentUp allows readers/viewers/listeners to donate to content creators via “tips” through a simple clickable button. If you’ve ever “Liked” a post, or given it a click through on Twitter, then you already know how that works. In this case, a donation is left to the author, with a portion going to the funder’s preferred charity. I’ve personally chosen Pencils for Promise as my choice, but feel free to select whomever you’d like from the current list.

And that’s pretty much it. “Cents” can be topped up through the CentUp homepage like a pre-paid card, and with more websites and content creators coming on board daily the concept could spread fairly quickly.

Think of it like funding us per piece you like instead of through a subscription or a pay wall.

So feel free to click the CentUp button on the bottom of SideQuesting content you like, and click the link at the end of this post to join CentUp, top of your card, select a charity, and support us and other content creators out there. Every little bit helps.