Unboxing the Loot… Crate!

Unboxing the Loot… Crate!

I subscribed to Loot Crate in November and since then have wanted to write an article about it — or, really, show you guys a video of what I recently received from Loot Crate. If you don’t know what Loot Crate is, here is a quick explanation: visitors go to lootcrate.com, subscribing to one of the three payment plans that they have for different “levels” of loot. They will then offer a sneak peek of what they will send you via Twitter, Instagram, and other social media outlets. Around the 20th of each month, they will ship the Loot Crate box to your home and BAM! You got Loot.

Anyways here are the two videos I did for December and November! I promise I will do a better job with the frequency of the videos in the future. PROMISE! Anyways…Enjoy!

December Loot Crate

November Loot Crate