Watch “Remaking the Legend”, the Halo 2: Anniversary documentary, here for free

Watch “Remaking the Legend”, the Halo 2: Anniversary documentary, here for free

Halo 3 was my jumping on point for the series. I missed Halo 2 thanks to timing — there were just too many great games coming out at that time and I had to ration my hard-earned dollars —  and I have yet to even play Halo 1. After completing Halo 3, I immediately went back and played the previous game, enjoying every bit of it.

There was something awesome about the music, the design, the characters, and the game mechanics. It was nearly perfect, even though the multiplayer was something I could never get a handle on. I was slaughtered, basically, every time I played.

With the Master Chief Collection coming next week, Microsoft has let loose this great documentary about the development of the updated ‘Anniversary” version of Halo 2 that comes as a part of the collection. In the doc, which is fully viewable above (thanks, Youtube!), we see the development of the original Halo games and the delicate care that went into the remake for the new collection. It’s an hour’s worth of great Halo nostalgia, with a focus on craftsmanship, care, and even John Mayer. Don’t ask, just watch.

While you’re at it, you can watch the launch trailer for the collection below. It’s also very cool, and should get you right hyped for the game’s launch next week.