E3 2015: Microsoft unveils Mojang’s Minecraft for Hololens

E3 2015: Microsoft unveils Mojang’s Minecraft for Hololens

Mo-yang. MO-YANG. I always thought it was Mo-JANG. Oh well.

When we last saw Minecraft, it was being used in a sizzle reel for Microsoft’s Hololens. Now, at E3 2015, the game has made a return.

The game can be played in both 2D on a virtual wall with a controller, or in 3D through AR on surfaces like a table. Players can shift their perspective, look inside objects, and even zoom in and out with just hand motions. Voice commands work as well, as the demo showed the presenters speaking phrases that launched lightning at poor pigs.

More information will be shown at MineCon in a few weeks.