The new Watch Dogs 2 trailer has robot butlers

The new Watch Dogs 2 trailer has robot butlers

There’s a pivotal moment in the Rocky series that redefined the films. It wasn’t the death of Mickey, it wasn’t incredible battle versus Thunder Lips — no, it was the reveal of Sico, the robot butler. As the little plastic creation rolled along on screen and quipped with other characters, my heart sank because I knew that sharks were being jumped at an incredible rate.

Let’s hope Watch Dogs 2‘s robot butler doesn’t signal the same shark jump.

In the latest trailer for the game, Welcome to San Francisco, protagonist Marcus Holloway explores his city, showcasing many of the environments that he’ll come across. We have beaches and bridges, clubs, cars, and the tech underbelly of the West Coast.

And a robot butler.

Watch Dogs 2 releases in November. Fingers crossed.
