The first trailer for Captain Marvel is here (video)

The first trailer for Captain Marvel is here (video)

The first trailer for Marvel’s next major film takes us back in time.

If the opening scene of the first trailer for Captain Marvel doesn’t make you want to see the movie, nothing will. Marvel is banking on pulling the heart strings of those of us who loved the Nineties, the time frame in which the movie is set, with references and icons straight from the era.

In the film, Brie Larson takes the reigns of the character, apparently coming to Earth with missing memories (was she always an Earthling? or an alien?) as an invasion is about to take place. How this will fit into the Marvel Cinematic Universe is anyone’s guess, as a huge alien onslaught would have at least been referenced to in films like Iron Man or Thor.

Captain Marvel (and a double-eyed Nick Fury!) arrives in March of 2019.