Gaming with a Baby on the Way


In a little bit over a month from now, I’ll become a first-time dad.  Quite a heavy weight to take on, but I’m ready.

My gaming habit, however, is not.  It’s obvious that I can no longer buy games at the accelerated rate that I was on, as the incoming cash flow will be geared more towards diapers, toys, and baby food.  I can no longer spend the hours on end playing CoD4 online with buddies, as I’d rather be playing with the little one instead.

This is my first time as a father who games, and I have no idea what to expect.  Will me gaming continue?  Will I be more selective in how I game?  Will I rely on used games, rentals, or borrowing games from friends?

Our own writer Nathan Andrews just had baby #2, a bouncing boy named Lucas, and I can’t even begin to imagine how his gaming habits have changed.

What will I need to do to be prepared for the coming goo’s and gaa’s associated with having a first-time child and STILL be excited for Uncharted 2, CoD6, and New Super Mario Bros?  If you’re a gaming parent, feel free to let me know what to expect… because I sure don’t!