The next Call of Duty game is MIIW

The next Call of Duty game is MIIW

Modern Warfare II has a weird logo, but it’s still a hotly anticipated sequel

How do we pronounce this? “Em Too Double U?” “MEEEEW?” “MEW TWO?”

We thought the Black Ops IIII logo was strange, but Modern Warfare II is perhaps even more out of left field. Activision Blizzard have announced the next game in the series, a sequel to the remake of the HD remaster of the fourth Call of Duty game, which was the first Modern Warfare game.

Over the last year, leaks were plenty that the next game being worked on was MWII, as the original remake of the remaster of the 4th Call of Duty and first Modern Warfare was well received. In its most recent investor earnings, ActiBlizz announced a new game was coming, developed by Infinity Ward. There’s no timing or platforms for the release, but YOU KNOW what it’s coming to: everything.

The company also revealed in the same earnings call that a full revamp of Warzone was on the way, likely expanding it to even more platforms (hello, Switch) and will arrive later this year.

MWII and MIIW should not be confused with the WWII, NIN, or new KIA logos.