Metroid Prime 4 LIFE
Nintendo Direct and Pokémon Presents lined up for the next week, HERE ARE SOME RUMORS
It’s-a-news coming our way
People are saying: These are the rumors for tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct
Buckle up and grab your red hat! No, the OTHER red hat.
Worst Case Scenario: let’s plan a horrible Nintendo Direct
What’s the opposite of getting our expectations too high?
Nintendo Direct coming February 9
An announcement from the official Nintendo of America Twitter account has revealed that the first Nintendo Direct of 2022 is coming tomorrow
Nintendo Direct announced for tomorrow, September 23rd
EMEFRGENCY MEETING! Nintendo dropping a meaty direct to kick off Fall.
The SideQuest LIVE! February 19, 2021: BlizzConline and Nintendo Directs!
A BIG news week, as the team discusses BlizzConline and Nintendo’s latest Direct — and games!
Ninjala resurfaces during latest Nintendo Direct
Bubble gum ninja action looks like it’s been revamped
The next Nintendo Direct is about Animal Crossing: New Horizons
What’s Nook got to do with it?
Nintendo Direct scheduled for September 4
A lot of time for big news?
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