Follow Friday: @PKollar

If you’re a Twitter user, then I’m sure by now you’ve seen the weekly #ff hashtag show up. The tag, which is a shortened form of #followfriday, indicates the Tweeter’s (Twitterer? Tweetist?) showcase of recommended people to follow. Our team at SideQuesting follows several great people in the gaming industry, from journalists to developers, critics to other gamers, and we’d love to share these folks with you.

Here at Sidequesting, we know we don’t operate inside of a bubble. So each week, we’ll plan on selecting one interesting person in the industry to follow on Twitter for a variety of reasons. Consider this the highest honor for someone who likes to tweet about the weather constantly, or only uses Twitter to check in with their Foursquare account. Either way, it’s a classy reflection on society. So, if you only come to our site on one day each week, make it Friday so you can see who gets this bitchin’ award.

This is only our third honoree, and it is the amazing Phil Kollar, of Game Informer.

I really don’t know how you aren’t following Phil at this point, especially if you are interested in the games industry. Phil is very personable, and tries as hard as he can to reply to every @ mention he gets. While he may not have many general tweets, he is on Twitter replying to even the most despicable of his followers.

Even though he doesn’t like great games, he is still very deserving of the award if only for his humorous tweets regarding his gaming habits.

On top of that, he has the same disbelief of the articles Kotaku posts as myself.

Now, if you want to see The Big K’s work, go pick up a subscription to GI, and head over to, where Phil also maintains a personal blog on top of his normal workload.

So Phil, the next time you go to a restaurant, scoff at the workers because you know that you are now in possession of one of the highest honors you can receive as an American.

Remember, follow Phil at