E311: The Legend of Zelda HD demo makes us say “wheeeyuuuu!”

While it wasn’t “playable”, Nintendo’s demonstration of the video streaming capabilities of the Wii U included an HD presentation of the Legend of Zelda.  This was the same video shown during their press conference, but now longer and allowing for some nifty features.

The demo began with Link strolling into a cathedral-like dungeon. The background textures were extremely detailed, the lighting extravagant, and Link’s fairy pal Navi buzzed around him, casting light and shadow on Link as she floated past.  It was definitely HD, and looked as good as any fantasy console game today. The television was HUD-free, with all information posting to the controller’s screen.  The controller displayed a map with the location of the camera as well as a few touch-screen icons. With the touch of the “flip” icon, the video on the television is sent to the controller and vice versa.  The transition was instant.  I flipped it back and forth a few times to try and stump it, but to no avail.  Flawless.

By pushing the camera icon on the controller’s screen, I was able to switch the view on the television screen around Link and the room.  Finally, another icon changed the lighting of the room from daytime to night and back. This was done actively, as the demo was rolling, proving that it was all being done in real time.  Extremely beautiful, and instantaneous.  I was told by the representative showing us the demo that indeed it was being done wirelessly.  I can imagine this simple little “trick” becoming an awesome gameplay addition.  Use a magic spell to change the lighting in the room to see different items, of change the weather from Summer to Winter to weaken an enemy, or even flip time between the future and the past in one area to solve a puzzle.  Amazing!

The demo ends with Link facing off against a giant Armogohma spider boss.

I want this demo to be a game, right now.  Unfortunately, it’s just a giant tease that won’t make it into a Wii U Zelda game until years down the road.  Dammit Nintendo!