E312: Quantic Dream’s New Game is Beyond: Two Souls [Video]

E312: Quantic Dream’s New Game is Beyond: Two Souls [Video]

It turns out that those rumors about a new game from Heavy Rain developer Quantic Dream weren’t just rumors after all. The game is called Beyond: Two Souls and, like its predecessor, it will be a Playstation 3 exclusive.

The game appears to be a supernatural thriller involving a young girl called and her invisible, otherworldly protector. The game features both the likeness and the vocal talent of Ellen Page as the protagonist Jodie Holmes. David Cage promises that the game will involve the mysteries surrounding death and the afterlife as players follow Jodie over the course of fifteen years.

The video doesn’t really give any indication as to how the game plays, but it does seem to indicate that the studio spent its time after Heavy Rain developing the creepiest video game engine in history. Honestly though, in terms of the uncanny valley this one does seem to be on the upward climb. At the very least, we know that Beyond: Two Souls will look fantastic whenever it’s finally released.