Gamescom Bomb 2012: Killzone: Mercenary Stabbing it’s Way onto Vita in 2013

Gamescom Bomb 2012: Killzone: Mercenary Stabbing it’s Way onto Vita in 2013

Killzone: Mercenary was revealed for the PS Vita in a trailer shown at Sony’s official Gamescom press conference on Tuesday. The mostly live-action trailer features several intimidating fellas with beards taking on both ISA and Helghast forces while the narrator muses on the nature of a mercenary. The narrator mentions mercenaries being able to do the kind of things regular soldiers could never do, but it mostly just looks like they’re killing dudes!

The trailer ends with gameplay footage showcasing the game’s use of the Vita’s touch pad. It seems like the touch pad it used mostly for stabbing people! The Playstation Blog notes that this touch pad input will be in addition to traditional dual stick controls. The Playstation Blog also describes how players will be rewarded in-game with new weapons or cash for completing missions. Keep an eye out for Mercenary’s knife at throat sometime in 2013.

[Source: Playstation Blog]