Cyberpunk 2077 delayed again

Cyberpunk 2077 delayed again

You may need to reschedule your vacation time

Perhaps the biggest game of 2020 has been delayed again. Thankfully, it’s still within 2020, albeit a few weeks later. Cyberpunk 2077 has been pushed back from its November 19 release date to December 10, a scant 21 days afterward. It’s still within that Christmas timeframe, but now basically has December all to itself.

Apart from the hunt for next gen consoles, of course.

The delay is so short, relatively speaking, that the game had already passed certification — meaning that it works, has an endgame, and is content complete. This final delay is to complete a substantial Day 0 patch that will address many of the bugs that the dev team has been working on, especially as they relate to making the current gen version playable on next gen consoles.

Anyhoo, it likely pushes itself out of Game of the Year contention at the Game Awards, launching on the same day as the show.