Ubisoft and the Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (of announcements)

Ubisoft and the Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (of announcements)

We’ve got some bad news and some… more bad news.

Ubisoft has had a pretty bad day (week? year?). The company is in a very weird point in its existence. It’s tried NFTs, and failed. It’s reported a downturn in sales. It’s tried to deny being a target for acquisition, but then things became so bad that it literally stopped becoming a target for acquisition anyways. And it has several games in such weird states of flux that no one knows what’s happening (we’re looking at you, BG&E2).

Anyhoo, all of that came to a head when the company held its quarterly investor call after noting its 9% decline in sales, and news certainly didn’t get any better.

For one, the previously announced Avatar game, Frontiers of Pandora, will miss the launch of the movie sequel in December. Originally scheduled for WHENEVER, then by the end of 2022, it’s now scheduled for some time in the 2023 fiscal year (between middle of 2023 – middle of 2024). Ubi claims that it’s to make the game perfect, which is probably a good thing.

The hits keep coming, as the company has also decided to cancel Ghost Recon Frontline and Splinter Cell VR (as well as two unannounced games). Frontline was YET ANOTHER BATTLE ROYALE GAME that we surely wanted, and had already gone into testing.

Meanwhile, a “smaller, premium game” has been bumped out of release this year into that same 2023/2024 window. Initial reports suggested it was a spinoff of AC: Valhalla, instead of a full, giant new AssCreed game. That next TRUE AC game will be revealed in September during a celebration of the series.

This is, of course, after news of the Prince of Persia remake delay and lukewarm response Skull and Crossbones.

At least Mario + Rabbids 2 is looking good and still on the way — we hope!

Source: Ubisoft