As a LEGO and Hot Wheels fanatic, LEGO 2K Drive is making me salivate

As a LEGO and Hot Wheels fanatic, LEGO 2K Drive is making me salivate

I can’t help it, I love cars and blocks

I grew up loving LEGOs — what kid doesn’t? It’s an ultimate creative output, whether it’s meant to build a specific set or just go wild with whatever blocks are available. I built towers! Then I built boxes! Then, I built ramps that went over houses and into towers for my Hot Wheels to crash into. Cut to 40 years later, and I’m still using LEGOs and Hot Wheels, but now it’s in the development of cars (and not so many ramps, unfortunately). They’re just as creative to use, albeit now for brainstorming (or looking cool on a shelf).

I’ve been extremely excited since LEGO revealed 2K Drive, its upcoming racing/building hybrid. The game looks to be an arcade-style racer set in an open world. Much like Burnout or Forza Horizon, players will be able to scoot around a giant map, enjoy challenges, and take on opponents in multiplayer (and story-based) races. Heck, there are event drive-in theaters and racing in water. Cool! It’s sort of a mainstay of what modern racing games have become.

But the part I’m REALLY excited about is the customizability aspect. Not only will existing LEGO cars be available, but also some well known manufacturers have lent their vehicles to the game, like McLaren, and players can customize the heck out of those vehicles. Likewise, entire cars can be built up, using over 1000 types of bricks. It’s a way for myself to build some of the cars I’ve owned in the past, reliving the glory of a cherry red 1991 Lumina Z34 zooming past a dinosaur on its way off a ramp only to crash and explode into a million pieces as it nicks the corner of a target in Bricklandia’s wastelands.

Hella cool.

LEGO 2K Drive arrives in stores on May 19th for Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, and PC — hopefully I’ll have solved Tears of the Kingdom in that week before.