Illfonic reveals Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed co-op game

Illfonic reveals Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed co-op game

Bust and be ghosts

Illfonic, masters of the multiplayer man v monster genre (Friday the 13th, Predator Hunting Grounds), have revealed their newest game. Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed lets players take on the roles of one of ‘busters as they rid the city of ghosts. Interestingly, players can also hop into the body of a ghost and terrorize the other players in 4-v-1 mayhem.

Here’s the PR from Illfonic:

As a Ghostbuster, join with other Ghostbusters to chase and trap ghosts in museums, prisons, hotels, and more, and capture the ghosts before they can fully haunt the areas. Or, as the Ghost, hide, sneak, surprise, scare, and of course, slime Ghostbusters and civilians until the everything has gone completely spooky. Use trickery, deception, and Ectoplasm to gain the upper hand and drive the Ghostbusters out.

The game is aiming for a Q4 2022 launch on PlayStation, Xbox, and Epic Games Store.