Ninja JaJaMaru: The Great Yokai Battle +Hell Deluxe Edition review

Ninja JaJaMaru: The Great Yokai Battle +Hell Deluxe Edition review

More than meets the little ninja’s eye

You’ve probably missed this series in the past, but the variety in its games makes this collection something that fans of Eighties gaming may want to dip their toes into.

I have absolutely never heard of the Ninja JaJaMaru-verse until this collection was presented to me compiling the majority of this Jaleco franchise and an all new game to go with it. But, I was honestly taken aback by how much content was made out if this little ninja dude character.

Going in with a completely fresh set of eyes, I can understand why this series was as popular as it was back in its heyday in Japan. A little bit of Mario Bros and a little bit of Ice Climber, with just a pinch of Super Mario, Ninja JajaMaru-Kun and the new retro/nostalgia fueled Ninja JajaMaru: The Great Yokai Battle + Hell Deluxe are great little throwback experiences that revel in the era’s platforming action. Top that off with complimentary collections of all of the classic titles, and even a set of RPGs, and this is an easy game to recommend for preservationists and retro enthusiasts.

This review is based on an eShop code sent to SideQuesting by the publisher. It originally appeared on the February 22nd, 2023 episode of the SideQuest. All images and video courtesy ININ Games.