I’m getting more hyped about the Crisis Core Final Fantasy Reunion remakester after this launch trailer

I’m getting more hyped about the Crisis Core Final Fantasy Reunion remakester after this launch trailer

The upcoming Final Fantasy VII prequel is looking very pretty

Somewhere between a remake and a remaster, Crisis Core Final Fantasy Reunion looks like it’s definitely doing a solid return to the original PSP game. For one, it no longer looks like a straight PSP port; the textures are improved, the fidelity is pumped up, and details are expanded upon. Trust us when we say that grass actually looks like grass now, and there’s more of it.

The latest trailer seems to prove all of that as it dives into both the vastly improved cutscenes and the updated main visuals. It’s looking p. good! It may not be on the level of the full remakes, but the update looks like it’s at least been modernized well for the previous gen consoles, of which it will likely sell its most on.

Anyhoo, with the game launching in about two weeks, the trailer above gives us a ton to look at and be ready for. Like wings!