The first Gran Turismo movie trailer is here, and IT HAS CARS IN IT

The first Gran Turismo movie trailer is here, and IT HAS CARS IN IT

A LOT of cars, especially COOL CARS

The Gran Turismo series has been pivotal in helping introduce a generation (or two… or three) to race cars, and has even helped bring some vehicles to the US market due to all of the enthusiasm and built up for them in the games. It’s even launched careers in racing, as the GT Academy was a way for some of the best gamers to actually take the cars for a spin in real life.

One of the stories from GT Academy serves as the basis for the upcoming Gran Turismo movie, namely that of Jann Mardenborough who won the 2011 edition of the show/event. The first full trailer follows a formulaic path — kid likes video games but parents don’t, kid ends up becoming a race car driver because of the video games, kid and parents reconcile. The movie, directed by Neill Blomkamp, also looks to be an ode to the game series as well, as we see a lot of focus on classic GT games and interaction with PlayStations at home.

There’s even a love story! Probably. Demographics!

The Gran Turismo trailer may not do much in terms of actually getting us excited, but it does show off some pretty spectacular cars, and that’s always a positive. Anyhoo, expect this film to zooooom into theaters in August.